NTET 2024 is probably held in month of December. Apply Online forms are now available on official website. Click here to apply online.
Last date to apply is 14 October 2024

The National Commission for Homoeopathy Act, 2020 ensures access to quality and affordable medical education, availability of adequate and high-quality medical professionals of Homoeopathy.
It is therefore necessary to ensure that persons recruited as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor possess the essential aptitude and ability to meet the challenges of teaching at Homoeopathy Colleges.
Guidelines for conducting National Teachers Eligibility Test NTET
The eligible candidates as per The National Commission for Homoeopathy Regulations 2024, shall have to qualify NTET to become eligible to be appointed as Assistant Professor. Associate Professor
and Professor in Homoeopathic Institutes Colleges regulated by NCH.
The following persons can appear for NTET:
- Any person who desires to take up teaching profession for the first recruitment as a teacher on various cadre shall be through NTET.
- Any person who desires to take up teaching profession at the level of Assistant professor for the first time shall have to appear for this examination and shall have to obtain minimum of fififty percent of marks to get qualified.
- Master of Science in Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.
- Master of Public Health from recognised Institutes can also appear for NTET examination for the post of Assistant Professor.
- If the candidates are holding the Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery degree.
- Any person who desires to take up teaching profession at the level of Associate professor for the first time and having five years of experience in regular service (after possessing post-
graduate qualification in the concerned subject) in Central or State Government Health services. - Ministry of Ayush or full time five years of experience as
medical officer in regular service (after possessing postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject) in recognised Homoeopathy Medical College can appear in NTET examination for the post of Associate Professor. - Any person who desires to take up teaching profession at the level of Associate professor for the first time and having recognised Post Graduate qualification in Homoeopathy in concerned subject with five years of fulltime research experience in Research Councils of
Central Government or State Government or Union territory Administration or University or National Institutions with at least three publication in indexed or peer reviewed journal can appear in NTET for the post of Associate Professor. - Doctor of Philosophy degree holder along with Master of Science in Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology and Master of Public Health from recognised Institutes can appear in NTET examination for the post of Assistant Professor.
Structure of NTET
The National Teacher’s Eligibility Test is to assess teaching aptitude, communication skills, classroom management, teaching, training and assessment technology, student psychology, andragogy, pedagogy or such other as may by specified by the commission from time to time.
- The NTET will be aptitude based test.
- All questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
- Every correct answer will carry one mark, with four alternative out of which on one answer will be correct.
- There will be no negative marking.
- The NET will consist of 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) from the syllabus.
- Duration of the examination will be 120 Minutes.
- The question paper will be in Hindi and English Language.
Marking pattern for NTET
- Every correct answer will carry 1 mark
- No Negative marking.
- Qualifying marks: Minimum 50%
- Duration: 120 Minutes
- Medium of Examination: Hindi & English
- Qualifying marks: A person who secure 50% or above in the NTET (without roundoff) will be considered as NTET qualified.
Qualify NTET shall be mandatory requirement for appointment as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in Homoeopathic Colleges/Institutes at entry level.
Frequency of conduct of NTET
NTET shall be conducted ordinarily twice every year.
Validity period of NTET certificate
The Teacher’s eligibility so acquired shall be valid tor a period of ten years from the date of quaitiving National Teacher’s Eligibility Test and any person who fails to join within a period of ten years shall have to qualify once again National Teacher’s Eligibility Test for
National Commission for Homoeopathy for getting eligibility to join or re-join teaching profession.
Recommended Books for NTET
- ” Teaching of Education” by S.P. Kulshrestha
Publisher: Loyal Book Depot - ” Communication and Educational Technology” by Suresh Sharma
Publisher: Elsevier India
Latest Edition: 2020 - ” Classroom Management That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Every Teacher” by Robert J. Marzano Publisher: ASCD
- “Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers” by Thomas A. Angelo and K. Patricia Cross
- Publisher: Jossey-Bass
- “Essentials of Educational Technology” by J.C. Aggarwal
Publisher: Vikas Publishing House
Latest Edition: 2021 - “Educational Psychology: Developing Learners” by Jeanne Ellis Ormrod
Publisher: Pearson
Latest Edition: 2020 (10th Edition)